Sunday, 1 January 2012

Happy New Peaches!

Well hello there dear reader! Have you had a super relaxing and family filled festive break? Our house has been 2 week rota of eating, wrapping, unwrapping, eating, drinking, traveling, early mornings and late nights, cuddles, eating and eating.

 It was my first nephew's first Christmas, doesn't he look cute in his first cracker hat? The girls got (quite literally) a box full of presents, but still found the bubble wrap more exciting (well, who doesn't?!) and the lunatic cat couldn't handle being left out of the NYE meal.

 I was a very lucky girl, getting to share my Christmas day with both the new and old sides of my family, and Santa even brought me a Wonka Bar! and can you believe it even had a golden ticket inside it?
The cats seem to take to our new Handmade by Mrs Biddle cushions, and there was a theme of purple emerging in the gift giving!

All in all it's been one of the best Christmases yet and we are superduper looking forward to developing our little Wedding Stationery business in 2012!

Happy New Year! :)

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